Tom Cirrito, Ph.D., CEO of Varro Bio, was pleased to speak at Devcon 2024, taking…

Varro Bio Featured in St. Louis Magazine
Recall how long it took, in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, to screen yourself with the gold-standard method, the PCR test: You’d swab your nostrils, hand the swab to the person at the pharmacy or clinic, then wait while they sent it off to a lab for processing. Yes, the result was highly reliable, but it took days.
The St. Louis biotech startup Varro Life Sciences has developed a biosensor that’s of comparable sensitivity but takes only 60 seconds to deliver results. And it can detect more than just the next coronavirus: The company estimates that within a few weeks of the emergence of any airborne virus, bacterium, or fungal pathogen—say, the latest flu or strep—the company will be able to make a biosensor that can recognize it.
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